Greek Mythology and Legends features a lot of frightening monsters. They are all amazing kinds of creatures from monsters to multi-headed creatures. All these are mixed with tales of Greek heroes conquering them.
Greek myths feature interesting stories of monsters and frightening creatures which are wide in range. There are dragons, giants, demons and ghosts. There are also multi-headed creatures like sphinx, minotaur, centaurs, manticores and griffins.
Sphinx is a lion with a human head and in Greek Mythology it is a demon of destruction and bad luck. Minotaur is a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man. It was imprisoned at Labyrinth created by Daedalus who was also imprisoned there later. It was killed by Theseus, a Greek hero.
Centaurs are strange creatures that have the upper portion of a man but lower portion of a horse. So they have two hands and four legs like a horse-man. The other variations also had wings and horns.
Manticores are multiple parts of different animals. They are similar to sphinx in that they have the head of a man and the body of a red lion. They also have three rows of sharp teeth like a shark. Their tales are of scorpion or dragon. Their feet may be of dragon but their voice sounds like a trumpet. They kill their victims or paralyse them by shooting poisonous spines. Their variants also have wings and horns.
Griffins are amazing creatures in Greek Mythology and are said to be from India. They have the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. They look ferocious and are symbols of heroism. Interesting these monsters find gold on mountains and built nest with them. Thus hunters are on the lookout for them who get killed by this creature.
There was the most deadly monster of Greek Mythology called Typhon. He has human form in upper half and a hundred dragon heads on each of his hands. He had fire flashing eyes, hands reaching out to east and west. His bottom part had viper coils that could reach top of his head making hissing noise when stretched out. He tried to destroy Zeus but Zeus captured Typhon and trapped underneath Mount Etna.
There were Harpies who were birds with women’s voices and the Sirens who were winged creatures with beautiful voices. The Harpies were snatchers and they constantly steal food from Phineas. The Sirens lure sailors with their voices as they are always on an island. They were seductive and lured sailors to death by shipwrecking to rocky coasts.
Echidna was the mother of all serpents in Greek Mythology. She was a female monster and was half nymph and half snake. She, with Typhon, mothered every major monster in featured in Greek Mythology.
The monsters born for Echidna make a big list of most dangerous creatures. Larnean Hydra, Namean Lion, Lycian Chimera, Cyclops (the one-eyed monster) and so on. The list is endless. All these amazing frightening creatures are beautifully described in the tales of Greek Mythology as they are conquered by Greek heroes.
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